3 Fantabulous Material Handling Principle

They are being employed or working as labour is not so easy. The person has to go through several tasks in day-to-day life. If an individual is working in an industry where they produce products from raw material, they must be efficient in material handling. 

Proper management of material will result in progressive outcomes and result in more production and more incentives. Before that person has to learn some primary material handling principles, although there are many principles, we will only have three core principles. Here we go:

Forethought & Standard Maintenance

It comprises strategies before the execution of work. Critical thinking plays a crucial role here. It is just like a step-by-step guide for the success of a project. Employees need to consider various aspects of the project before working and create a to-do list or a concise plan. It will impart a significant effect on overall performance. Here aims, operationalization, and feasibility will be kept in view.

Standard maintenance states that techniques or procedures used in maintaining material must be compliant with standards set by quality assurance institutes.

Sometimes, flexibility and modification are required in the framework of employees’ operational structure; it will ensure better material handling. For example, the International Organization for Standardization set some standards for different kinds of industries

So, every procedure or standard must be compliant with the standard set by ISO. It will be a sign of better performance with excellent product quality.

Human Capacity Bearing

Term somehow sounds wandering, but it is a scientific factor that talks about human capacity and work limitation. It is known as ergonomic. It states that work should not exceed human capability. It must be according to human rule. 

No person should exceed his/her working potential. If he/she does so, they will encounter various health disorders. If a candidate works like a machine, eventually he/she will experience physiological and psychological conditions with no set limit. 

Health will start depleting, ultimately affecting performance and the environment in the working space. 

Excessive work ➜ No limitation ➜ Poor Health ➜ Less Outcome ➜ Disturbing working environment ➜ termination of employ ➜ an overall negative impact on industry and family.

Don’t consider employees as a robot. Humans need timely rest, as the body is following the biological cycles and rhymes. The body always syncs with time reference and still has limits. If someone tries to deny that limits and laws, he/she will suffer contingent ailment, which affects the organization’s reputation.

Environment-Friendly Automation

At present technology is advancing and astonishing the world with gadgets that perform the task efficiently better than humans. Automation refers to the utilization of electronic equipment for the completion of any job. It results in a smooth workflow, consistency, effectiveness, and increased yield of products. 

Automation replaces the employees as work is being done by artificial humans like robots and other human assisting devices. The material will flow in a sequence with a series of events occurring spontaneously.

A sustainable environment is necessary for survival. Although technology is lifting every sector, it should be environment friendly. In the case of material handling, every aspect of the environment must be kept in view. Material handling or movement should not impact negatively. Whatever humans do with nature, nature will return in various forms. 

So, try to handle material, keeping in view the principle of environment. We can take an example of a Nuclear plant implanted in Russia in1960 for the production of electricity but unfortunately, the rays emitted by that plant affect the lives of humans.

Most Common Equipment Used in Material Handling

Material handling is processing, preservation, movement, storage, delivery and control of goods and material. Any equipment that deals with these approaches can be marked as equipment for material handling. It is possible to break down these devices that are to do so used into four significant groups. These are followings:

  • Bulk material handling
  • Engineering System
  • Industrial Truck

Equipment for handling bulk material

The phrase ‘bulk material handling’ relates to management, packing and transportation of products either in loose or bulk form. The machinery is usually used to transfer flexible components from one part of the manufacturing plant to another. Handling bulk material for machinery or equipment may also be used in horizontal supply conveyor belts and advanced control elevators. Examples of machinery treating bulk goods are:

  • Conveyors belts: It is a belt that moves for material transportation. These can be integrated into more sophisticated networks of conveyors, thus known to be engineered systems.
  • Grain Elevators: This type of machinery is used to transfer and store grain and other related materials along a development route.
  • Silos:  It is a tower used for storing grain and certain other products including lignite, sawdust, woodchips, and packaged foods.
  • Stackers and reclaimers: It is a significant device for throwing stuff into piles or picking things back up afterwards.

Engineering system for material handling

One that is usually programmed in an integrated system. Usually, these kinds of material handling equipment are automatic systems that operate with each other to enable large products or large quantities of materials to be processed and distributed effectively across the factory floor. These include:

Automated storage and retrieval systems: AS/RS are large automatic systems that include shelving, cabinets, aisles and racks that are manageable by a mechanized shuttle device for the rapid retrieving of products.

  • Robotic Delivery system: Such automated devices are suitable for transferring merchandise onto a production line or shipping goods around a factory or warehouse.
  • Ergonomics: It is an ergonomic device used in a plant in several ways to assist staff in sorting and managing activities during Safeguarding and uplifting goods for the developmental process and spinning heavy angling loads.
  • Industrial Robots: Robots are programmed with adequate consistency and efficiency to perform risky, messy and repetitive activities.

Industrial Trucks

To transport large amounts of materials across the factory floor, industrial trucks of certain types have been used. They are often used to safely and rapidly load and unload large items into supply vehicles. These include,

  • Pallets Truck: Industrial forklifts that are manually or powered driven.
  • Pallets Jacks: These are devices that are the most common type of forklift used inside a factory to pick and transfer pallets.
  • Hand Trucks: A walk-behind pedestrian gantry crane with such a platform for lifting pallets to some heights.